

2023/2024 Studio Policy                                                                                                                Bucket List Piano 
Debbie Campanaro 
940-367-3526                                                                dcampanaro.mymusicstaff.com

Welcome to all new and returning students! Thank you for choosing me as your piano teacher; I look forward to another great year with you all as we continue to work towards achieving your goal of learning to play the piano! In order to ensure that lessons go along smoothly, I have established the following policies:

Traditional piano methods are offered, as well as the study of piano literature and supplementary material. Lessons will include a balance of theory, sight reading and listening skills, which includes theory games and activities for kids! 

Studio Tuition and Fees

Annual Registration/Material fee (Elementary thru Hi School Students Only) ***Non-Refundable–$50 per student (maximum $75 per family) This money will be used to reserve your lesson spot in the fall, and will be used for the purchase of lesson books, supplemental music, and materials. Due June 1 for returning students.

***Non-Refundable–one exception: I cannot find a mutually acceptable time slot for your child/ren.

Tuition payment is due in full by the 10th of the month, from September through May. Payment may be made by cash in exact amount or with a check payable to Deborah Campanaro. You may opt to pay with credit or debit card online or in person; however, a 3% convenience fee will be added to your payment. A late fee of $25 will be assessed if tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month. Let me know if you would like to sign up for Auto-Pay. Prorated fees apply with later start dates. Discounts available for siblings.

30-minute (beginner): Tuition for the school year (August 28 through May 10) for weekly lessons is $900. Your tuition guarantees that I will be present to teach 31 weeks, and fees will be divided into equal payments of $100.
45-minute (intermediate): Tuition for the school year (August 28 through May 10) for weekly lessons is $1,305. Your tuition guarantees that I will be present to teach 31 weeks, and fees will be divided into equal payments of $145.

Opportunities to Perform for School-Aged students
Christmas Carol Play Party, Saturday, December 9th.                                                                                                                     Sonatina Festival--Open event through Denton Music Teachers Association in April (TBA)  (Memorization required) $10 
Annual Studio Recital, Saturday, May 4th

Opportunities for Adults to Perform                                                                                                                                                        Spirited Christmas Party, Sunday, December 10th                                                                                                                               Spring-Into-Action Piano Party, Sunday May 19th

Attendance and Missed Lessons
Ensure that you/your child arrive for, and depart from, the lesson on time. Time will not be taken from the following lesson to accommodate late arrivals.

There will be no makeups given for missed lessons. Because specific times are set aside for specific students, a student who does not attend a lesson will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. I will use that time to plan for student’s progress, locate materials, etc. Your tuition pays for far more than just lesson time with your child. (See Where Does My Tuition Go? Brochure.) Options: 1) an online lesson during the time that is reserved for you or your child; 2) an asynchronous lesson (prior to lesson time, send in a video of your child playing his/her assigned pieces; and during regularly scheduled lesson time, I will view the video and email comments and instructions; or 3) a sibling who is also taking lessons may use both lesson slots. THERE WILL BE NO TUITION CREDIT FOR MISSED OR CANCELED LESSONS. In the event that I need to cancel because of illness or emergency, every effort will be made to reschedule lessons as soon as possible.

Piano--Students must have access to a piano for daily practice! The piano, or full-sized keyboard (at least 76 keys) in the home. An acoustic piano that is professionally tuned at least once a year is strongly recommended as nothing can take the place of its touch and sound. However, there are some good quality digital keyboards available. Make sure that the keyboard has 76–88 full-sized, weighted keys, a damper pedal, and a sturdy bench, stand and music rack. Avoid keyboards with too many bells and whistles; this tends to make the keyboard seem more like a toy than an instrument. 

Book bag

Piano Music and Books—Included in Registration/Material fee

If you need immediate response, or if you have an emergency, please send me a text! Feel free to email me at any time about what is happening with your child or to ask questions; or give me a call. Usually, mornings are best. 

Parental Involvement 
Schedule a realistic and predictable practice time for your child that can happen easily at least five days a week.
Sit down with your child before the lesson and go over the notes that I email to you after each lesson.
Be present, attentive, and encouraging to your child during daily practice.
Allow free exploration on the piano.
Encourage short, frequent "stop-overs" on the piano in addition to structured practice time.

Student Responsibilities 
Arrive for lesson promptly with all lesson books and materials.                                                                                                        Complete DAILY practice (at least 5 days a week) and assignments.
Keep fingernails trimmed short.
Wash hands before each lesson.

It’s not

too late

to learn

to play!